Recently, I found out about O2’s Switch Up plans. As someone who likes buying or upgrading to the newest tech fairly regularly, I loved the idea of changing my phone every three months, so I decided to give it a try.
Most recently, I have been trying out the iPhone 15 Pro, which when released was described by many to be the best phone on the market at the time. Even now, with the iPhone 16 range available, some still suggest the 15 Pro to be better.
Here’s the thing with me though; I’m an Android guy. I had been for about five years prior to picking it up. I wasn’t entirely sold on the whole ‘best phone on the market’ idea but was very willing to give it a try.
Now, three months later, I’m ready to move onto the next phone. But before I do, let me tell you how I got on with the iPhone 15 Pro.
Initial thoughts
Just as I thought; I’m not a fan.
I hate to be that guy, but I don’t get Apple’s popularity. Everything they have to offer feels like a gimmicky version of what’s already out there. I respect the fact that likely if it weren’t for Apple (or more Steve Jobs), we wouldn’t have smartphones the way they are these days, but I just feel like there is so much better out there.
As soon as I got home and started playing around with it, I knew I wouldn’t like the next three months.
It may have been because I had to get used to it over what I had been used to, but I didn’t and still don’t like the way it feels in my hand. It feels like a brick, it’s chunky and kind of weighty, especially with the big camera section that feels as though it’s weighing down the top left corner.
The button layout felt weird too. I’ve never been properly able to get used to it, having just one on one side and three on the other.
In terms of how it performed, it was fine. I never fully utilised the customisation elements such as having the different phone screen layouts (or whatever it exactly is), but that’s part of the reason why I’ve never been an Apple guy. I don’t want or need things like that.
The resolution feels crisp and smooth and the colours are vibrant. At peak brightness, the picture quality is pretty impressive to me.
It’s very responsive, never feels laggy even when there are multiple apps open, but that does bring up a point that I will touch on later.
The rear camera is very good. I’m not a big photographer but I did find myself taking photos at random because the quality was impeccable.
Overall, I was slightly happier about having it then I originally thought I would be but I still wasn’t sure.
Most favourite features

Dynamic Island
A unique feature for iPhone (I think, not 100% sure on that fact) and probably my favourite thing about the whole phone.
When I first heard of the feature I didn’t care for it, regarded it as another gimmick. But having seen it used firsthand, I can say it is incredibly useful.
I, like many, enjoy a good takeout. Uber Eats is very high up on my list of most used apps. Whenever I do get something delivered, the Dynamic Island comes in handy for letting me know the progress of my order, keeping track and even telling me how long it will be until it is delivered without me having to awaken the phone or go on the app.
If I put a timer on, I can keep track of exactly how long I’ve got left without having to leave my phone open next to me.
Designed as a simple upgrade from the prior black lip that housed the off-centre front camera, this little feature is a game changer to me. When I move onto the next phone, this will be the thing I’ll miss most.
Overall display
As far as phones that I’ve owned goes, the 15 Pro most certainly has the best display I’ve used.
I like how the screen is properly edge-to-edge. There is minimal space between the screen and phone edge, which really pleases me. I hate larger black bars surrounding my phone screens, and this way it makes the picture feel so much more full.
As for the picture quality, watching videos on it feels better than anything I’ve had prior. Movement is seamless and when on full or near-full brightness, the quality of the picture and depth of colour looks brilliant.
Camera & image quality
As I mentioned previously, I’m not a big photo taker. I kind of just forget too often that I have this device that allows me to capture a moment in time to preserve the memory.
With the camera on the 15 Pro, I do actually feel like using it in any situation. The quality of the image that it creates is sensational. It may not be the best camera for a phone out there, but whatever the technology is within the device creates an image like no other,
I haven’t got round to using all the features, such as Cinematic mode, but the ones I have used are great. I would have missed the faint sight of the Aurora Borealis back in October if it weren’t for the brilliant Night Mode.
Least favourite features
Design & shape
As I’ve said probably enough times now, I’m not a fan of this phone, and a lot of my distaste stems from the first time I picked it up.
Apple has seemingly kept the same shape and design of the iPhone forever. I get that it adds to the familiarity for their existing customers, but when their competition is coming with slimmer variations and in general better feeling phones, I think Apple needs to update.
It feels like a bit of a brick in my hand or pocket. It has a weight to it that feels very noticeable, something which I didn’t feel with other phones.
Password saving
I have many passwords and I can’t remember every single one of them. I try, but I need my phone to help me sometimes.
The 15 Pro has been terrible in this aspect, at least compared to the Pixel 8 I had before. The feature where passwords can be kept above the keyboard never seems to find the login details necessary for the site I’m on, meaning I either have to sift through all the saved passwords I have or just wing it.
It's a first world problem, I know, but why can’t they make it simple and easy?
This is more of a me thing but it was better on my Pixel. I often simply swipe up when changing apps, leaving the previous one open in the background and then never come back to it.
I’ll then remember about my open tabs, swipe to see them and realise I have 50 open all at once.
It doesn’t slow the phone down at all but it is an inconvenience having to manually swipe to close apps that I haven’t been on in for almost a week.
With my Pixel (not sure if this is a universal Android feature), open tabs would seemingly disappear after a certain amount of time, usually a day, without being returned to. I’d never have to swipe through loads of tabs, just a couple, which was a lot more pleasing.
Too many waste-of-space apps
Remember when Apple forced that U2 album onto everyone’s Apple device? It felt like that all over again when I started up the phone for the first time.
There’s just a folder of apps already pre-downloaded that I will never use. GarageBand is probably great for anyone who makes music, but I certainly have no use for it.
Then there’s a bunch of apps like Numbers and Freeform which are probably handy for those who know how to use them. For me, nothing.
I think they should have a screen upon startup that asks you if you’d like to download these apps. That way, I don’t end up with a bunch of clutter on my home screen that I then have to sort out.
Apple Arcade
A bit of a random one but I’m not a fan of Apple Arcade. I don’t like that they’re gatekeeping certain apps and games. I want to relive my youth of playing Jetpack Joyride 2 without paying £6.99 a month!
Final thoughts
I’ll keep it short as I think it’s pretty obvious which way I’m swinging with the iPhone 15 Pro.
While I didn’t fully enjoy my time with it, I didn’t hate it. I do see some of the appeal to people; the waste-of-space apps I mentioned are probably game-changers for those who use them, especially with the ease of moving from your iPhone to a Mac or vice-versa.
Also, some of those gimmicky things that I didn’t like are probably much more to others’ taste, so I’m not going to hate on them, just say they weren’t for me.
All in all, I’m going to give the iPhone 15 Pro a 7/10. I was going to give it a six but decided to add an extra point as I already had a fairly negative view on Apple products before I picked the phone up, so I think it’s fair to account for that and give it an extra point.
Vs previous trial
Previously, I gave the Google Pixel 8 a try having come from the Pixel 6 that I had for three years prior.
In the time that I had the Pixel 6, I became a big fan of the Pixel, so I did love the 8. It was a good step up from the 6 and had a lot of brilliant features that I was a fan of.
So again, my opinions on Apple products did skew my thoughts on the iPhone 15, but even up against the Pixel 8 it had a tough chance at being the better of the two. Both were considered one of the best phones of the year they were released, but to me it was no contest; the Google Pixel 8 was much more to my taste than the iPhone 15 Pro.
What next?
I put some solid thought into which phone I wanted to choose next, with many great options currently available on offer due to Black Friday sales.
Unfortunately, when I went to upgrade and choose my next phone, which was likely going to be the Google Pixel 9 Pro, I wasn’t able to because something got messed up with my contract.
Thankfully, we were able to sort it, but I now must wait until 18th December before upgrading, so for now I’m stuck with the 15 Pro and then closer to the time I will start considering again which phone to choose.
It may be what’s the best offer at the time, or I may end up still choosing the Pixel 9 Pro. Whatever it is, you will find out in the next Quarterly Phone Roulette.